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City of Plano Services

Essential info for Preston Green homeowners
Important Phone Numbers
                  Emergency                                 911
                  Plano Police Non-Emergency     972-424-5678
                  City of Plano                               972-941-7000  
When you can water your property. Super important!
Nextdoor is the private social network for our community. It was established by the Homeowner’s Association to help foster communication among all Preston Green residents. You can use it to sell items, ask for contractor recommendations, report a lost or found pet, or just about anything of general interest to our neighborhood. You can also connect with the surrounding neighborhoods, if desired.
The city of Plano website covers city government, city departments, resident information, cultural events and lots more. Below are a few links to help you get started.
has information for both parents and students. Parents can learn about registration, transportation, special education, school hours and a variety of other topics. Students have access to instructional resources, homework help, athletics information and more. Below are links to the schools that serve our neighborhood:
Driver’s licenses may be obtained or renewed online at Texas Department of Public Safety or in person at an office. The Plano office is located at 2109 West Parker Road, Ste 224.
The Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector is responsible for collecting property taxes and motor vehicle registration fees. Taxes can be paid online, by mail or in person at the tax office. If you are registering your vehicle in Collin County for the first time, you will need to do so in person at the Plano, Frisco or McKinney office.
The Collin Central Appraisal District determines our property taxes. You can view tax rates and available exemptions and learn about the yearly appraisal cycle online. A document describing how your property is appraised can be found on their downloads page.